Mami, Papi, and the girls.....

Mami, Papi, and the girls.....
stories from our little corner of the world.....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Up Cycled fall skirt

I had wanted to create a skirt for Paula out of cargo pants that still fit in the waist but didn't fit in the length.  It has been an ongoing project as I adjusted to my sewing machine "baby pink".  I was happy to have it done, and now we are waiting for some cool weather for her to wear it.  I also made her a matching shirt and a pretty headband.  Can't wait to see her in it!

The Skirt

The shirt with the skirt.

 The Headband

Welcome to Fall

Today is the first day it really feels like fall.  We welcome some cooler temperatures but feel hesitant to welcome winter weather just yet.  We took the kids to the swimming pool last night for the final time of the season.  It had already started cooling down to low 70's but with a cool wind.  Miguel and I let them swim, and happily watched from the side as did the few other parents that were crazy enough, like us, to bring their kids.  After about 40 minutes, both of the girls were ready to come home.  So what are we doing today to welcome fall.....

Harvested homegrown pumpkin gourds.....

made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, decorated the house with the gourds in anticipation of Halloween (only we are 2 months early), we all came down with our first back to school colds, Miguel did a fall cleaning of the yard and put wood chips and I did a fall clean inside the house,I made a great "fall" meal and ate it mid-afternoon...I love doing that on fall weekends....and Sara had a fall snooze.....

We also watched the Polar Express today....but we don't want to wish for the holiday season just yet.  We hope everybody had a nice holiday weekend, and welcome fall........

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the day, the day my baby went to kindergarten.  I was both excited for her, but yet sad that she is already big enough to go to school.  I felt gracious in the special time that her and I have shared together during these early childhood years.  The opportunity to stay home with her, has been a very special gift.  I never in a million years imagined being a stay at home mom, but Paula was truly love at first sight, and now I could not imagine anything but.

I held her in my arms when she was moments old, I took her to her first story time, and her first playdate.  I witnessed everyone of her temper tantrums, her first pee pee on the potty, and the day she gave up sippy cups.  I took her to her first day of 3 year old preschool as well as stood in awe at her 4 year old preschool graduation.   I remember struggling over the ABC's, sweating over her skipping the number 7 when counting from 1 to 10, pushed her to learn her sounds, and taught her to turn those sounds into reading words.  I saw her dance her first recital, learn to doggy paddle, and do her first throw in judo.  I watched her free spirit, knowing that our world would never box her in, cryed when she pushed the boundries, watched in awe when her independance taught her something new, and could do nothing but say "only MY Paulita!". 

And what could I do but embrace this very special moment.  I told her is your day, and you are going to MOVE MOUNTAINS!  Today is just the beginning.  I felt a little bit nervous, but I told Paulita that there were three very special angels watching over her for me, Mommy's Grandma and Grandpa, and Papi's Abuela.  And what do I hope....I hope that she will have a very special teacher who can see her beauty, her spunk, and her uniqueness.  Who will embrace her challenges, foster her love for learning, and push her to learn more.  I hope her teacher will celebrate her bilingualism and biculturalism.  And I hope she will have fun.

So my is your day, you ARE going to move mountains.  We are very proud of the baby you were, the toddler you were, and the child you are going to become.  The world truly has no limits for you.  I hope you never loose your free spirit.  Here we go......

Saturday, August 13, 2011

BPI Clinic Day

On Wednesday we made the trek downtown to Children's Memorial's BPI Clinic.  Going into the appointment, I hoped the Dr. would be happy with what they saw and I hoped that based on her progress we wouldn't have to go back for another year (it had been 8 months since our last visit).  We got the girls all excited about going to Molly's Cupcakes, the novelty cupcake bakery across the street, and the adults excitement was in a restaurant called Sultans Market which is next door to CMH. 

We absolutely love Sara's specialist.  She has such a nice way with the children and families.  We have always appreciated and trusted her expertise and kindness.  The clinic nurse is wonderful as well, but unfortunately we didn't see her this time.  My hopes proved to be in the right place because the Dr. was happy and said she wouldn't be a candidate for any surgeries and that we should come annually from now on.  She also told us that Sara no longer had any restrictions except for something like football where there is an opportunity for strong impact in the shoulder. 

At the moment I took everything for what it was and was very pleased, and I still am.  But when I started thinking about no restrictions, my mind went flying.  NO RESTRICTIONS!  I didn't know if I should laugh, cry, be shocked, seem restrictions.  Although she hasn't had complete recovery, this is my girl, and it is her moment to fly.  She will always be in therapy to keep her muscles loose and to continue to stretch her range, but this is who she is and will always be.

Sara has always been very in tune to her BPI and we have always felt that there is no reason to keep her injury a secret from her.  We wanted her to understand why we were going to so many therapies and why we were doing home exercises.  She is also aware of her vascular birthmark on her BPI arm, and she takes people aback when her little two year old voice exclaims that it is her hemangioma when she is asked.  So I began to think about the importance of reminding her in our daily conversations that she can do and be anything she wants to be.  And when I asked her what that would be....she said a tap dancer.   Of course she understood my statement at a very 2 year old level.  But I hope that when she gets to be an adult, that she never has felt the feeling of road blocks or my nervousness with her arm as something that held her back.  So today, and I am sure for her whole life.....we will be telling her that she has the whole world at her fingertips.....and today is her day to fly............

Monday, February 14, 2011

~Love Potion~

Happy Valentines Day!  Today was a pretty quiet Valentines Day in our house, marked by Paulita having strep throat.  I swear we never get sick like this...time for some spring cleaning to get the germs up and out!  When we went to get Paula's prescription, each of the girls could pick a Valentines Day treat.  Sara picked a little princess box of heart shaped chocolate, and Paula a Mickey and Minnie in love lolipop made of marshmellow, to which she didn't like.

I had to get creative with Miguel...becuase I just felt like it wouldn't be Valentines Day without doing something for him.  So....we bought a little candy bar of chocolate at the drug store, but I still wanted to do something more.  At 3:45 it hits me....just moments before he got home from work.  With our new juicer, to which I love and am completely fascinated with....I would make him some "Love Potion", basically a fresh natural juice of strawberries.  Sara preferred to refer to it as a princess pink drink...hey whatever floats your boat!  So I whipped it up and mixed it with some fresh oranges as well for sweetness, and gave it to both girls.  Sara drank it and liked it, but Paula I had to give to her in a medicine dropper to get her to take it.  After I asked each of the girls who they were in love with and they said Mami. 

So we were super psyched with our Valentines Day Love Potion.  Here are some pictures, I wanted to have the photos with out children, but Sara just couldn't wait to try it.  Thought the one was pretty funny becuase you can see her sticking her tongue in it!

I guess all of what I consider "winter holidays" are behind us, and now it is on to spring.  Happy Valentines from our home to yours!
~Mama Betsy

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cut Pj's

So Mama Betsy had an enlightenment from her Mom.  As a mother, I have an obsession with the fact that if my kids are not old enough to sleep with sheets and blankets, then they need to have footed pj's.  When they graduate to a big kid bed with sheets, then they can wear other types of Pj's.  ....maybe I am just a worry wart.  Sara has a toddler bed and we give her a blanket but it is not one that gets tucked in, so she still needs footed Pj's.

I have been ever so religious about getting Sara in her new elbow extension brace splint every night, but one of my complaints was that she couldn't wear the big bulky fleecy pj's becuase her arm wouldn't fit and be comfortable in her splint.  So I was using the super tight long sleeve shirt type of pj's and using socks, but I just didn't feel it was the same warmth wise with the shirt shifting up and the legs to. 

While complaining about this to my Mom....she had an OH SO WONDERFUL IDEA.  She suggested, using the tight t-shirt pj top under neath the footed pj's, but cutting the sleeve off of the footed pj, so that she could still wear her brace and be WARM.  In case this is confusing, first I cut off the right sleeve of her footed blanket sleeper pj.  I then put on a tight long sleeve pajama top, then the footed blanket sleeper, then the elbow immoblizer splint...and it works WONDERS!  Here is a picture:

She has a red long sleeve t-shirt on under her Princess Pj's.  I would use this same idea for any orthotic that I had that was bulky like this.  If I had a leg splint, I would first put on a tight fitting pair of pj pants (similiar to long johns), then the blanket sleeper with the leg cut off, then the splint.  Thanks Mom!!!

Sara also got her purple velcro for her splint on Friday from Mr. Robert.  Mr. Robert the orthotist at Children's is now at the top of Sara's list!!!!

Love from the trenches ~ Mama Bets

Therapy Tennis Ball

Thank you to Betsy W and her February/March OBPI Newsletter I got this idea for a therapy activity.  It is a tennis ball, with a mouth slit into it with an exacto knife.  From there, you decorate the tennis ball with a face, and have the child feed the mouth with whatever you have.  We used coins, but you could use decorative erasers, bingo chips, ect.  This is a strength building activity that requires bilateral use of the hands. 

Both of my girls thought this was a fun activity and wanted to do it, however neither Sara who has a ROBPI or my 4 year old daughter were able to do it on their own.  Both needed assitance, but both wanted to do it multiple times.  I think if my four year old had slightly larger hands she could have done it, but I am not sure that two year old hands are big or strong enough to do it independantly. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentines Day PJ's

With Valentines Day approaching I had decided to buy the girls pajamas as gifts.  This was not my original plan, but while walking through Walmart, Sara spotted out of nowhere....the one and only pair of purple Little Mermaid pajamas that there was no way we could leave Walmart without.  I thought about it and thought that pajamas would be a great way to avoid all of the Valentines Day chocolate that a 2 and 4 year old really do not need.

So then came my predicament.  I was happily going to give them their gifts on Valentines Day, but Paula's school announced a pajama day on Friday.  So far this year, there have been two other pajama days, and I have forgotten to send her in PJ's...the guilt was heavy!  Do I give them the gift early so she could sport her new pj's to school or wait till Monday.  I went in and talked to the teacher this morning, and she said that Paulita has been a VERY good girl at school, so I couldn't hold back.  Here they are....

I also thought new pajamas would be lots of fun with the girls upcoming sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Since today was sooo cold, we stopped and got hot chocolate for the girls and enjoyed their new pj' might have to become a tradition.

Happy  "early" Valentines Day!
~Mama Betsy

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentines Day Children's Shirt

Paula always wants holiday themed clothing.  But, being the frugal minded person I am...I can never rationalize with myself that it is worth it, so she never gets any.  I decided that I would try my hand out at a basic valentines day t-shirt for her.  I used a long sleeve shirt we already had, and bought two shades of pink felt which cost 29 cents each felt sheet.  I printed a free printable template for hearts online, and used those as my patterns to make the hearts in two different sizes.

She was very happy and I think that this along with some pink tights will look very pretty for her Valentines Day party at school.  I think it came out pretty good all in all, and the most important thing is that she is happy.  The felt would easily be enough for two or three more shirts, but Sara isn't interested becuase it is not purple.  If you have more then one child the felt goes a long way.  I love Paula's new girly stage, she is too cute!

Valentines Day Button Magnents

The girls and I decided to start the week out by crafting.  So here is our Monday craft.  Today we made Valentines Day button magnents to give to Grandma and Grandpa for Valentines Day.  They came out really nice.

You will need:
buttons of your choice
hot glue gun
magnent circles for the back

So here are some words of wisdom after completing the project.  Make sure to have everything alligned the way you would like it to be, becuase once the kids stick the button in the hot glue...that is it, it is not moveable.  I wanted Paula to help out, but that also meant accepting that they were not always centered perfectly.  Also, when buying your magnent backings, it does make a different how strong the magnent is.  I didn't know this, and just bought the only pack that was at JoAnn Fabrics, and it won't hold much.  I think it will have to be basically a decoration and next time we make these we will venture out for better magnents. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sara's Story

My Sara.  I loved her from the very first moment I found out I was pregnant, I loved her when I found out she was girl, I loved her even more the first time I held her in my arms, and I have loved her every day since.  Many of you know that Sara sustained a birthing injury called a Brachial Plexus Injury as a result of a complication of labor called a shoulder dystocia.  Sara was too large of a baby for me to deliver vaginally.  When I was about to deliver her, her shoulder became stuck between the pelvic bone and the tail bone creating a birthing emergency.  She was stuck.  The doctor chose to pull her by the head in order to deliver her.  This caused a permanent nerve injury to her right arm. 

At birth, her arm was completely paralyzed with the exception of her fingers.  Her thumb was what is considered an indwelling thumb, meaning it was permamantely tucked under her other four fingers.  If you would lift her arm up in the air and let go, it would flop down like speghetti.  Her first few months, actually her first year, was filled with so much fear and anxiety on our behalf.  We had never heard of a brachial plexus injury (BPI).  We were told that she would have a spontaneous recovery within two weeeks of her delivery, which did not occur.  We were left with many many unanswered questions wheen we left the hospital.

When we arrived at home on a Friday, my husband and I spent the whole weekend researching BPI's, what they were, what it meant, and where we could go for treatment.  We stumbled upon a BPI clinic at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, and on Monday were scheduled for her first clinic visit later that month.  We immediately began occupational therapy, and she has recieved countless hours of therapy since. 

Today, Sara is 2 years old.  She is like many many other two year olds.  She loves to play, laugh, run, and even have tantrums.  She doesn't miss a beat keeping up with her older sister Paula.  She has therapy two to three times a week, and is such a trooper.  Her arm has shown signifigant improvement and as parents we like to say she has made an 80% recovery, it is not "normal", but she does so well.  We are so gracious when we recount where she has come from and where she is today.  Although we had and still have many ups and downs, we still feel like we have and are moving mountains.  Slowly and with patience has become our motto.

Being a family and parents of a special needs child has really shaped us.  When the going gets tough, and the tough get going, we are still hanging on.  We have tredged through desperate temperatures, snow, tornadoes, heat, and more...screaming children and nap time, to get to our appointments.  We have swallowed frustration, grief, sorrow, and tears to do what is best for our little girl.  In the end, our family has grown closer, accepted and loved each other for who we are, and learned to appreciate the things that we normally don't think about like the ability to move and lift our arms. 

A good friend of mine, who is also part of the BPI community wrote so eloquently, that despite our personal hardship I am able to use my child's and our families experiance to help others.  She couldn't have said it better.  Sara's story to which is so special to us, has helped us reach out to other families in the same or similair situation and advocate for safe birthing practices and awareness of safe birthing and birthing choices.  We appreciate everybody's love and support during Sara's journey.  Many of you do not even know how you have touched our families life.  Those emails or calls just to see how we are doing, have come at just the right moment, when we have needed to be uplifted. Smiles of understanding and celebrating her baby steps have helped us know we are not alone.  Welcome to Sara's Story and our journey.  Please come back often and stay awhile.  If we can help you in any way, let us know.  Our hearts our always open.

Love from the trenches....~Mama Betsy

Friday, February 4, 2011

February is here!  We are a bit "snowed" in, but as happy as can be.  We started the long awaited Valentines Day countdown.  Paula directed me to make it at the begining of January becuase she had so much fun with our Christmas countdown, we almost had to have a countdown to the countdown!  We were suprised when Chicago had an enormous snow storm and Miguel had two days off from work.  We enjoyed having him home, and enjoying snow day type of activities.  Paula loved the snow and Sara opted to a short snow adventure when she learned she couldn't wear her favorite Christmas dress outside in the snow.   Today we did a special Valentines Day M&M graphing project followed by pure bliss with finding what I like to call the "deal of the day", this cute little pink and white fleece for Sara for 2.50. 

Valentines Day Countdown

Snow Day

Rosy Cheeks

Our new entrance

Waste Deep Drifts

Valentines Day M&M Graphing

Sara doing M&M graphing

My Fabulous Deal of the Day....2.50 for this cute fleece

We hope that February is a warm, pink and red, love filled month for all! ~ Mama Betsy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Burp Clothes

Made these super cute burp clothes the other day to give as a baby present.  They were easy to make.

Here is the tutorial on how to make these trendy burp clothes.  It is by homemade by jill and the link is below.
We would like to thank all of our wonderful family and friends who have been with us over the last few weeks while I was sick, as well as all of your love and support this fall after my miscarriage.  Your phone calls, help with the girls, kind emails, as well as bringing us dinner, has meant more to us then you will ever know.  There are many things in life we are gracious for, and all of your love is something we say thank you for every day.  I could not say enough.

Here is proof that we are all up on our feet again.  We have fresh homemade day old bread waiting, Mama Emily's famous soup simmering, and brownies baking in the oven.  From the smell of our house, anybody would know we are up and going, and ready to make the best out of 2011. 

May the remainder of 2011 bring our family as well as yours, health, happiness, and good luck!
All our love, ~Mama Betsy

Friday, January 7, 2011

Well we survived the holidays sick and have bounced back to ourselves again and back into our daily routine! I wish I could rave about the holidays but being sick and in bed is never fun.  We have started the new year out with a movie adventure to see "Yogi Bear", appointments, bread making, painting, pizelle making, and quilling!

To Children's Memorial we go for Sara's BPI appointment.

Sara not so happy, but pizelle in hand:)

In the waiting room in our new matching sweaters playing with the biggest doll house EVER!

fresh baked bread 
water color project with Papi

New pizelle iron
first attempt quilling

All in all it has been a busy start to a new year!!!