Mami, Papi, and the girls.....

Mami, Papi, and the girls.....
stories from our little corner of the world.....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sara's Story

My Sara.  I loved her from the very first moment I found out I was pregnant, I loved her when I found out she was girl, I loved her even more the first time I held her in my arms, and I have loved her every day since.  Many of you know that Sara sustained a birthing injury called a Brachial Plexus Injury as a result of a complication of labor called a shoulder dystocia.  Sara was too large of a baby for me to deliver vaginally.  When I was about to deliver her, her shoulder became stuck between the pelvic bone and the tail bone creating a birthing emergency.  She was stuck.  The doctor chose to pull her by the head in order to deliver her.  This caused a permanent nerve injury to her right arm. 

At birth, her arm was completely paralyzed with the exception of her fingers.  Her thumb was what is considered an indwelling thumb, meaning it was permamantely tucked under her other four fingers.  If you would lift her arm up in the air and let go, it would flop down like speghetti.  Her first few months, actually her first year, was filled with so much fear and anxiety on our behalf.  We had never heard of a brachial plexus injury (BPI).  We were told that she would have a spontaneous recovery within two weeeks of her delivery, which did not occur.  We were left with many many unanswered questions wheen we left the hospital.

When we arrived at home on a Friday, my husband and I spent the whole weekend researching BPI's, what they were, what it meant, and where we could go for treatment.  We stumbled upon a BPI clinic at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, and on Monday were scheduled for her first clinic visit later that month.  We immediately began occupational therapy, and she has recieved countless hours of therapy since. 

Today, Sara is 2 years old.  She is like many many other two year olds.  She loves to play, laugh, run, and even have tantrums.  She doesn't miss a beat keeping up with her older sister Paula.  She has therapy two to three times a week, and is such a trooper.  Her arm has shown signifigant improvement and as parents we like to say she has made an 80% recovery, it is not "normal", but she does so well.  We are so gracious when we recount where she has come from and where she is today.  Although we had and still have many ups and downs, we still feel like we have and are moving mountains.  Slowly and with patience has become our motto.

Being a family and parents of a special needs child has really shaped us.  When the going gets tough, and the tough get going, we are still hanging on.  We have tredged through desperate temperatures, snow, tornadoes, heat, and more...screaming children and nap time, to get to our appointments.  We have swallowed frustration, grief, sorrow, and tears to do what is best for our little girl.  In the end, our family has grown closer, accepted and loved each other for who we are, and learned to appreciate the things that we normally don't think about like the ability to move and lift our arms. 

A good friend of mine, who is also part of the BPI community wrote so eloquently, that despite our personal hardship I am able to use my child's and our families experiance to help others.  She couldn't have said it better.  Sara's story to which is so special to us, has helped us reach out to other families in the same or similair situation and advocate for safe birthing practices and awareness of safe birthing and birthing choices.  We appreciate everybody's love and support during Sara's journey.  Many of you do not even know how you have touched our families life.  Those emails or calls just to see how we are doing, have come at just the right moment, when we have needed to be uplifted. Smiles of understanding and celebrating her baby steps have helped us know we are not alone.  Welcome to Sara's Story and our journey.  Please come back often and stay awhile.  If we can help you in any way, let us know.  Our hearts our always open.

Love from the trenches....~Mama Betsy

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