Mami, Papi, and the girls.....

Mami, Papi, and the girls.....
stories from our little corner of the world.....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Today was my family Christmas.  We hosted this year and enjoyed having all of the family over to our house.  We started out by making rudolph cookies and cut out cookies with frosting.  Afterwards we opened presents from all of the Aunts and Uncles and cousins, followed by Grandma and Grandpa coming with dinner.  Grandma gets the trooper award for having rotar cuff surgery on Friday morning and making it to a family party on Sunday.  She is clearly not feeling herself yet, but we were impressed she made it. 

It gave Aunt Betsy and Uncle Migue a lot of happiness to see the nieces unwrap their presents.  Izzy and Lily (our oldest and youngest nieces) got the prettiest princess purses, lip gloss, nail polish, and princess high heel shoes.  They couldn't have looked prettier in their new attire and I enjoyed watching them get around in those heels.  Izzy looked like a natural and poor Lily....if they were a tad smaller she would have been walking that run way with the best of them.

Madelyn, who is just weeks older then Sara got the most adorable Madeline doll from us.  I am sure the connection in the name is a little vague now at 2, but when she gets a little older I am sure she will treasure it.  We also gave her lip gloss and nail polish!  We hope she has fun playing pretty princess with them!!  All three of them just steal our hearts!

All 5 of the girls got some beautiful clothes from Grandma and Grandpa.  Paula was psyched with her toys and her as seen on tv sparkly light up sketcher shoes, and I think Sara's thrill was some pretty pink ballet flat shoes from Grandma and Grandpa.  We took them on and off and rebuckled them probably at least 10 times.  She flounced around in those like the happiest camper in the bunch!  They all got pretty silk PJ's from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and some pretty clothes from Great Aunt Beth and Great Uncle Andy.

Sara's new pretty pink ballet flats! I will post Paula's sparkly twinkle toes later!!

Our new outfit from Aunt Beth and Uncle Andy!!!  ...and wild, unbrushed, and unmaintained hair!  I think they have more of Miguel's volume:))

Notice the outfit wasn't complete with out a ballet leotard underneath the clothing!  She also loved the ballerina ornament she recieved.  It has been played with alredy so much that the string fell off.  She LOVES it!

Here she is hoarding the ballerina ornament!

Rudolph cookies that all of the girls made together!

Mama Bets and Miguel were thrilled with our soy milk machine:))'s gonna be soy milk makin' heaven in our little corner of the world!!!

Thank you to all for sharing such a wonderful holiday with us.  We are blessed to have you all in our life and look forward to a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year, shared with you all!

Love from Mama Bets:)

P.S. My personal joy today was Uncle Dee's enjoyment of my blog....I had no idea that Dee (my brother) was such a blogger.  Per special request, more information about our hippie colony future will follow.

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